Donate Material Goods
Our “Earn While You Learn” parenting class incentive program provides material goods to our clients. Consider donating any of the following items:
- Disposable diapers, wipes and pullups
- Formula and baby food
- Baby clothes (infant to 2T)
- Baby wash/shampoo/hygiene items
- Baby toys
- Receiving blankets
- Swaddlers
- Baby/toddler socks
- Teethers/baby toys
- Baby bath towels & washcloths
- Paper towels/toilet paper
Thank you for all the love and support! We rely on our community’s support to meet our vision and mission every single day.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us today or call us at (573) 339-2032.

"I am very happy of my choice to raise my son and I am very thankful for the help and encouragement from the program. With your help, raising and watching my son grow has been the best reward of my life."
"I really cannot express enough how truly grateful I am for all they do for me and these women in class. They teach parenting classes, provide resources, and help me grow spiritually as a person so I can learn to be a more patient, loving, and compassionate mother. Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"Thank you for your wonderful donation. This has helped my family so much by providing us with essentials. My baby has diapers, wipes and clothes. May God continue to bless you and your family. Thank you."
"Thank you so much for your kindness and everything that you contribute to this program. The things that you do for us and our babies do not go unnoticed at all. I am so very grateful to have found such an amazing support system and being supported by people who truly care."
"Thank you for giving to this organization. Options has blessed us greatly and continues to teach me and grow my mind and heart to be a better mother and person. Sincerely grateful."
"Thank you for giving to this amazing organization. Options has blessed me and my family beyond measure. The classes every two weeks have taught me so much and have been so helpful for me emotionally and spiritually. I've grown so much with my time here. Forever grateful!" -KS
"I'm so grateful to be a part of this class. You guys are so helpful to me and my kids. Today we learned about "How to Listen so Kids will Talk" and "How to Talk so Kids will Listen". This lesson was so helpful. I learned something new each time we have class, so thanks for helping me become a better mother and person." -TP
"Your thoughts and donations are truly appreciated for those who are truly getting on their feet. Without you, who knows if I and my family would be making it. We got our own house and are able to make a good living for our little boy. Thank you."
"Thank you for having a kind and servant heart towards this organization. It has blessed my family and I beyond measure! We appreciate people like you so, so much!" -Love K and family.
"Thank you for your support of this program. I am able to better understand my children and how to be a better role model and provider for them. All you do is greatly appreciated and means more than you know! Thank you so much." -M
"I just wanted to express my gratitude for the donations provided to Options for Women. It helps alleviate a need in our household that provides peace of mind for my family. For that I thank you!"-Catherine
"Thank you so much for supporting this amazing organization. The women here have helped my daughter and I tremendously since we began utilizing the help they offer. Today we learned about how to parent without shame. I love the Godly instructions that is provided in the classes, and I have become a better mom with their help. Thank you and God Bless." -Jaden
"Thank you for making this class. I love this class and learning new information and helping to understand kids' point of view. Thank you for the donations, food bag of blessings, baby food, diapers, and wipes. I love the spiritual message. Thank you." -Jamie
"Thank you for being here for me and helping me when I had nowhere else to turn and continuing to be my support through everything. Your generous donations and gifts mean the world to me and my daughter."
"Thank you so much for all the love, joy and peace you bring to families. I don't know how I would survive without it. Thank you." -S
"Thank you so much for all the love, guidance and support you provide for mothers, families and children. The love you give is life changing." -Sincerely, Sydney
"Today we are learning about 3rd trimester expectations. I am only just now starting my 2nd trimester, so this is perfect timing. OFW has been such a blessing! My first baby is now 4 years old and starting Pre-K. The help and advice that is given here is always AMAZING! You all have helped me and my family so much!" -Karina
"The lessons we learn at OFW are so valuable! We're currently learning how to parent with shame. This lesson plan is teaching me to respond better and to pay closer attention to my own emotions. Thank you for your donations - they allow us to gather together and do better for our children."-Karley, Garrett & Ryleigh
"Today we are learning about creating kindness & confidence which is very useful for me and my son/toddler. I appreciate all the lessons and things you all do to help me and my family. It has made my life a lot easier. It is almost time for fall weather and I am so excited and ready." -T
"Thank you for our wonderful teachers and staff. Thank you for the video "Staying Connected to be Respected". I learned how to change a child in 5 days. Thank you for our mom closet and our "Blessing" bags. Thank you for my wonderful friends in class. Thank you for everything you do for me and my family."
"Thank you so much for all the help. Without the unconditional love and support I would most definitely be lost in life. Y'all not only help me with supplies, but also becoming a better parent! I know I can count on y'all no matter what. You are life savers. With all appreciation and prayers, C."
"Thank you for supporting this program. This class has been a big blessing to me and has allowed me to see different ways to build relationships with my children. I have learned better skills and communication methods. Your support means so much for moms like me.Thank You!" -M
"I have been attending classes at Options for almost 3 years. These classes have helped me grow as a person, as a mom and also closer to God. Motherhood is no easy task, but I want my kiddo to grow up with a heart for God. Thank you for all you do to make these classes possible. Sincerely, C."